
Address: 1201-3 Tamagusuku Hyakuna, Nanjo-shi, Okinawa-ken 901-0603 Japan

One parking space per group available. We recommend using Google Maps for directions since mui is not registered in the car navigation system.

By Rent a car

We have one parking space per guests group.

The car navigation system is not registered and we recommend using google map.
If you use a car navigation system, please use the map code
map code 232 469 739*20

By Bus

Nearest bust stop:
 Miibaru Iriguchi 5 mins walk
(transfer required at Nanjo City Hall)
 Tamagusuku Iriguchi    7 mins walk 
 Kachabaru         9 mins walk

First, please take Yui Rail (monorail) from Naha Airport to Asahibashi Station (Naha Bus Terminal) and then take one of the buses shown below.

Bus route 1

No transfer, 9 mins walk to lodging after getting off
*infrequent buses

Please take bus No. 50 or 51 Hyakuna Line from Naha Bus Terminal, Bus Top No. 9 and get off at Kachabaru (approx. 56 mins for the No. 50 bus and 47 mins for the No. 51 bus) then walk to our lodging.

Bus route 2

Transfer required at Nanjo City Hall, 5 mins walk to lodging after getting off.
*frequent buses

Please take bus No. 37, 39, 40 or 41 from Naha Bus Terminal, Bus Stop No. 6 or 7 and get off at Nanjo City Hall (approx. 51 mins), then take bus A2 Hyakuna/Chinen/Sashiki Line (which goes around the city counter clockwise) and get off at Miibaru Iriguchi (approx. 10 mins) then walk to our lodging.

*You can also take bus No. 339 from Bus Stop C in front of Naha Bus Terminal to get to Nanjo City Hall.
*Some of the buses No. 41 and 339 stop at Tamagusuku Iriguchi bus stop (no transfer required).

We also recommend using Google Maps to search for buses.